New Online Interactive Visual Storytelling class! English and French.

During the month of February, I will be offering a new series of four Visual Storytelling classes. Each week, I will teach a new fundamental technique. Classes will feature a lecture with examples, demonstrations and hands-on exercises. 

You can register for only one or all four sessions to make the most of your graphic novel, memoir, children’s book, or travel diary!

You can choose to take the classes in French or in English.

Registration just started. Click here to register and to get more information. Once you register, Please, check your “receipt notes” for the Zoom meeting link and suggested supplies.

Classes are held every Saturday, February 6, 13, 20 and 27

French classes: 1-2:30 p.m. PST (4-5:30 p.m. EST)

English classes: 3:30-5 p.m. PST (6:30-9 p.m. EST)

Fundamentals of Visual Storytelling

Week 1: Telling a story in three acts and four panels. Mastering the narrative arc.

Week 2: Principles of Character Design. Characters as Narrative Tools.

Week 3: Text and Sequential Art. Narration, Dialogs, Lettering.

Week 4: Guiding Narrative Flow with Camera Angles and Picture Composition

Online Interactive Visual Storytelling classes in French and in English

Looking back on 2020

The year 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our CASP artist studios were closed for a few months and I had to work from home. I could not travel to Montreal to see family and friends, and many comic art festivals were canceled or modified for a smaller online version. Designing this annual calendar helped me realize that this unusual year was nevertheless quite busy.

Un regard sur 2020

L’année 2020 a été marquée par la pandémie de la COVID-19. Les studios d’artistes de Cubberley ont fermé pour quelques mois. J’ai dû travailler de la maison. Impossible de voyager à Montréal pour voir la famille, les amis et amies. Les festivals BD sont annulés ou transformés. Je n’ai pas fait pour 2021 mon habituel calendrier mensuel “Au fil des mois”. Je me console avec un calendrier annuel qui m’aide à voir que chaque mois de cette année bizarre a quand même été bien rempli.